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The Weapons of Safety and Security in Massachusetts

Weapons are a ubiquitous tool for any police department in the United States. In Massachusetts, the choice of police weapons is delegated to the more than 340 individual police agencies within the state. What weapons have been chosen to provide safety and security to their operating areas?

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19 Articles

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FBI file documents Chef Paul Prudhomme’s history of accidentally bringing loaded guns to airports

FBI file documents Chef Paul Prudhomme’s history of accidentally bringing loaded guns to airports

Celebrated Cajun chef Paul Prudhomme found himself in hot water for accidentally bringing a loaded firearm to the airport on more than one occasion, according to his FBI file.

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Recently released records show Portland Police Bureau targeted counter-protesters, ignored armed alt-right demonstrators at "Patriot Prayer" rally

Recently released records show Portland Police Bureau targeted counter-protesters, ignored armed alt-right demonstrators at “Patriot Prayer” rally

A rally held in Portland, Oregon last August by the far-right group Patriot Prayer turned violent after Portland Police Bureau began cracking down on counter-protesters with flash grenades and pepper spray. Newly released communication logs from that day show that while the PPB were aware of a much greater threat posed by “patriot” camp - which included many armed demonstrators, some with criminal charges and violent histories - they still chose to target the counter-protesters, leaving many injured.

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A close look at police use of Tasers in Massachusetts

A close look at police use of Tasers in Massachusetts

Massachusetts State Police and local law enforcement have spent millions amassing an arsenal of Tasers, but there’s minimal accountability for those doing the purchasing, or for those doing the tasing.

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In response to shootings, Florida school employees are packing heat

In response to shootings, Florida school employees are packing heat

This March, Florida state legislators passed a law that allows local sheriff’s departments to train school faculty to carry concealed weapons on campus, a measure President Donald Trump has repeatedly supported. The arrangement is formally known as the Coach Aaron Feis Guardian Program, which was named in honor of the football coach who died while protecting students against an active shooter at Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School.

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New Jersey State Police releases policies regarding officer domestic violence, but no details on enforcement

New Jersey State Police releases policies regarding officer domestic violence, but no details on enforcement

Out of 50 state police departments whose domestic violence response policies were requested, only the New Jersey State Police released their policy pertaining to domestic violence incidents involving police officers. However, after nearly a year of waiting, the NJSP have still yet to release docs detailing how many officers have been accused, what they’ve been accused of, and whether or not they are still employed.

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Harris County ShotSpotter Data

Jaison Oliver sent this request to the Harris County Sheriff of Harris County, TX