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FOIAing the Trump Administration: What’s going on at the EPA?

FOIAing the Trump Administration: What’s going on at the EPA?

The Environmental Protection Agency last week pledged to clear out its backlog of FOIA requests from the Obama administration, but the agency is at the same time experiencing a glut of new requests. This week, we take a close look at the notable successes and frustrations of FOIAing Trump’s EPA.

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Government Accountability Office stalled after Senator Warren's call for an investigation into Trump transition team

Government Accountability Office stalled after Senator Warren’s call for an investigation into Trump transition team

On November 23, 2016, Senator Warren wrote to the Government Accountability Office (GAO) to request an investigation into Trump’s Presidential Transition Team, referencing reports of “disarray” and “chaos.” On this basis, and the Presidential Transition Act of 1963, the letter asked that an investigation be conducted and begun “as quickly as possible,” in part because the transition would only last until January 20th. The GAO, however, waited at least a month before beginning the review.

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