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FOIA 101: Tips and Tricks to Make You a Transparency Master

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Whether it's your first request or your first request *today,* it never hurts to go over the basics. MuckRock's compiled a lot of FOIA advice over the years, and with this project, it's all in one place.

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152 Articles

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Always be filing. But what? Here are some suggestions.

Always be filing. But what? Here are some suggestions.

One of the best ways to become comfortable with the public records request process is to find ways to file on a regular basis. We have some suggestions about what you want (and need) to consider to determine what works best for you.

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Using FOIA logs to develop news stories

Using FOIA logs to develop news stories

Through the power of FOIA logs, FOIA-minded reporters can find interesting story ideas by asking for and digging through the history of what other people are looking to obtain.

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Digging Deeper: An investigation into corporate control of water

Digging Deeper: An investigation into corporate control of water

Food & Water Watch intern Gabrielle Rosenthal shares what she learned working on our project to look into water privatization across the country.

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FOIA 101: How to dig up information on federal political appointments

FOIA 101: How to dig up information on federal political appointments

There may be no complete repository of federal appointees, but FOIA can be your inroad to learning the history of who has been added to an agency.

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FOIA FAQ: How to use media status to get FOIA fees waived

FOIA FAQ: How to use media status to get FOIA fees waived

Few parts of the FOIA process are more frustrating than finally hearing back from an agency after months of anticipation, only to be handed an invoice for a few hundred dollars in duplication fees. The FOIA Improvement Act of 2016 was meant to specifically address those frustrations, prohibiting agencies from charging fees if certain conditions are met. However, as is so often the case, sometimes agencies need a gentle reminder of legal requirements.

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Is there a good FBI FOIA request sample letter?