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After a decade, FOIAonline is shutting down. What’s next for FOIA requestors?

After a decade, FOIAonline is shutting down. What’s next for FOIA requestors?

On Sept. 30, FOIAonline will stop accepting new FOIA applications and begin the process of shutting down. We spoke to the federal government and FOIA experts about alternative options for requestors, including a new federal ‘FOIA Wizard’ in the works.

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Release Notes: Admin updates to help things flow more smoothly

Release Notes: Admin updates to help things flow more smoothly

It was another pretty quiet week, with some continued tweaks mostly focused on the backend to help things flow more smoothly. We are looking to once again partner with Code for Boston on a hackathon this coming January.

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Release Notes: Better portal handling, including special fixes for FOIAonline

Release Notes: Better portal handling, including special fixes for FOIAonline

Currently, our development efforts are focused mostly on overhauling user authentication across our services, making it easier to log in to any of our sites while also simplifying permissions and organization management.

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On FOIA's birthday, FOIAonline goes dark for a bit - here's our plan

On FOIA’s birthday, FOIAonline goes dark for a bit - here’s our plan

The team behind FOIAonline has been hard at work on “FOIAonline 3.0,” an upgraded version of the federal government’s official FOIA portal. As their team migrates to the new platform over the next week, we’ll delay some requests in cases where we think that delay will speed up the process for users.

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