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foilies 2023

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The Foilies 2023: Recognizing the worst in government transparency

The Foilies 2023: Recognizing the worst in government transparency

It seems like these days, everyone is finding classified documents in places they shouldn’t be: their homes, their offices, their storage lockers, their garages, their guitar cases, between the cracks of their couches, under some withered celery in the vegetable drawer … OK, we’re exaggerating—but it is getting ridiculous. Read on for some of the worst of the worst in 2022 transparency stories.

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It's time once again: Share your transparency horror story with a nomination to The Foilies 2023

It’s time once again: Share your transparency horror story with a nomination to The Foilies 2023

We are now accepting submissions for The Foilies 2023, the annual project to give tongue-in-cheek awards to the officials and institutions that behave badly (or ridiculously) when served with a request for public records.

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