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Release Notes: Contributing to MuckRock's open source efforts

Learn how to get started with contributing to MuckRock and FOIA Machine source code or just take a peek under the hood at how the site operates as well as the newest features.

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Release Notes: Improved mail handling and refactoring GovLens

Release Notes: Improved mail handling and refactoring GovLens

Last week, we pushed out some small improvements in processing mail that we hope to deploy more widely soon. We also started refactoring GovLens, our open source government site monitoring tool. Finally, we’d love your feedback on a few features and tweaks we have in the works.

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Release Notes: New API fields!

Release Notes: New API fields!

Last week, we asked you what API fields you’d like to see us add. This week, we deliver, with an updated, expanded, and improved RESTful API to access more data than ever on MuckRock agencies and jurisdictions.

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MuckRock Release Notes: Come hack on transparency software

MuckRock Release Notes: Come hack on transparency software

No major releases over the last week, but we’ll be at Code for Boston tomorrow if you want to meet up in person, or join or Slack to talk about contributing to our efforts.

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MuckRock Release Notes: Edit Assignment submissions

MuckRock Release Notes: Edit Assignment submissions

Now you can edit Assignments, making it easy to correct typos, fix attribution, or otherwise update entries. See how you can help improve MuckRock in this week’s release notes.

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MuckRock Release Notes: Last call for testers for our new request filing tool

MuckRock Release Notes: Last call for testers for our new request filing tool

This was a quiet week as we continued to test and refine a new request composing tool. While it’s not quite ready to roll out publicly yet, but we’re still looking for more feedback.

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