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god hates goths

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The FBI's years-long investigation into a fictional anti-goth cult

The FBI’s years-long investigation into a fictional anti-goth cult

In 2005, the FBI launched an investigation into the “Church of the Hammer,” a fundamentalist Christian sect which called for the wholesale slaughter of practitioners of the goth subculture. Two years later, the investigation was closed, on grounds that the Church didn’t exist.

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The FBI felt Westboro Baptist's Fred Phelps needed "psychiatric care"

The FBI felt Westboro Baptist’s Fred Phelps needed “psychiatric care”

The FBI has released the file of Fred Phelps, notorious leader of the Westboro Baptist Church. The file reveals some information not previously publicized, including Phelps application for a government position in the late sixties, and the Bureau’s extensive investigation into the parody site “Godhatesgoths.com.”

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