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great hoover hunt

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Spice up your office Slack with J. Edgar Hoover’s handwritten notes

Spice up your office Slack with J. Edgar Hoover’s handwritten notes

Recently, we received our 1500th submission to the Great Hoover Hunt project, which aims to catalog all of the handwritten notes from longtime Federal Bureau of Investigation Director J. Edgar Hoover in the Bureau’s files. To commemorate the occasion, we put together a collection of some of Hoover’s choicest bureaucratic broadsides, ready to be copy-pasted into your office’s Slack debate over who forgot to pick up more toner.

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Join the Great Hoover Hunt

Join the Great Hoover Hunt

Using the Assignment crowdsourcing tool, MuckRock is kicking off a project to catalog all of the handwritten notes left by Hoover himself in the Bureau’s files.

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