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groucho marx

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Five reasons Harpo Marx is my FBI file crush

Five reasons Harpo Marx is my FBI file crush

As part of an ongoing series on MuckRock staff’s infatuation with figures from the Federal Bureau of Investigation file project, Caitlin Russell lists five reasons why Bureau surveillance records shows there’s room for just one Marx in her life. Well, two.

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Letter called on J. Edgar Hoover to investigate Groucho Marx over a joke

Letter called on J. Edgar Hoover to investigate Groucho Marx over a joke

For Groucho Marx, sharing a surname with the author of the Communist Manifesto wasn’t winning him any friends in Middle America at the height of the Red Scare, and his pathological inability to hold anything sacred wasn’t helping, either. But according to files released to Emma Best, where he finally crossed the line for one couple - leading to them calling on the FBI to investigate him immediately - was when he used the country’s name in vain.

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