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hacking team

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Florida sheriff's department "very receptive" to Hacking Team demo

Florida sheriff’s department “very receptive” to Hacking Team demo

One of the largest sheriff’s departments in the country gushed over Hacking Team, released emails show. After an initial demonstration in 2013, one deputy sheriff in Broward County, Florida told a Hacking Team sales manager, “I can’t see how we can survive without it.”

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A close look at Hacking Team's courtship with local law enforcement

A close look at Hacking Team’s courtship with local law enforcement

Leaked emails confirm that Hacking Team has been courting government agencies in the United States as potential customers for its spyware. As the map we published last week explores, the Italian firm’s rolodex includes state and local law enforcement alongside federal intelligence agencies.

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Did Hacking Team give your local police a product demo?

Did Hacking Team give your local police a product demo?

The FBI and DEA aren’t the only law enforcement agencies interested in Hacking Team’s surveillance wares. The Italian company’s hacked emails contain contact information for more than a hundred police departments across the United States, as well as details of in-person demonstrations, including one for the sheriff of Broward County, Florida, which has not previously been reported.

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