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Apple wants your new driver’s license to be an iPhone, but FOIA requests showed states weren’t along for the ride
In June, Apple announced it will add state IDs, such as driver’s licenses, to its Wallet app, rolling out in participating states and at TSA checkpoints this fall. But public records tell the behind-the-scenes story about Apple’s interactions with government agencies when building out the idea, including how a select few jurisdictions were given a heads up as early as 2019, with many others finding out after the public.
5 Requests
Awaiting Appeal
Discussion of TSA "ID Requirements for Airport Checkpoints" Web page
Phil Mocek sent this request to the Transportation Security Administration of the United States of America
No Responsive Documents
Identification, Investigation and Understanding of Ritualistic Criminal Activity
Matt Taylor sent this request to the Chicago Police Department of Chicago, IL
Public development of police facial recognition software policy (City Council)
Phil Mocek sent this request to the Seattle City Council of Seattle, WA
Public development of police facial recognition software policy (Police Dept)
Phil Mocek sent this request to the Seattle Police Department of Seattle, WA
Andre B sent this request to the Office of the Governor - New York of New York