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Inspector General Reports

The rare people in government who actually want you to read their documents.

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How long is the paperwork backlog at Veterans Affairs?

How long is the paperwork backlog at Veterans Affairs?

A report released last week by the Inspector General for the Department of Veterans Affairs highlighted the current recordkeeping shortcomings for the Veterans Health Administration, tasked with the care and health of the country’s military veterans.

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FOIA FAQ: Tracking down Department of Defense contracts

FOIA FAQ: Tracking down Department of Defense contracts

We spoke with experts around the country for advice on using the Freedom of Information Act to dig into military contracts. Here are their top tips.

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USCIS is refocusing its efforts on denaturalization

USCIS is refocusing its efforts on denaturalization

Carrying on an Obama-era interest in identifying citizenship granted on fraudulent information, U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services is redirecting resources to focus on finding anyone who may have made false statements during the naturalization process.

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What you missed from our FOIA Slack Chat with Abraham Payton

What you missed from our FOIA Slack Chat with Abraham Payton

Opposition researcher Abraham Payton joined us last Friday to discuss how his company, Due Diligence, uses FOIA to investigate public figures.

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Redacted Friday: Missing ethics oversight, ComputerCop follow up, plus save on FOIA swag

Redacted Friday: Missing ethics oversight, ComputerCop follow up, plus save on FOIA swag

This week, we’re finding transparency never rests with important work being done following up on an old privacy scandal targeting young people, plus a look at how even a no responsive documents response can help show when public officials are asleep at the wheel.

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