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Dive into John F.  Kennedy's daily CIA updates

Dive into John F. Kennedy’s daily CIA updates

Decades of the President’s Intelligence Checklist and Presidential Daily Briefings are publicly available. Help us read through them.

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Can federal employees read WikiLeaks in private?

Can federal employees read WikiLeaks in private?

Back in 2010, in response to the publication of the Iraq War Logs leaked by Chelsea Manning, the U.S. Intelligence Community released their official response to WikiLeaks. That report led to official guidance from the Obama administration on how to clamp down on “insider threats,” which in turn sparked a massive discussion on federal employee’s access to classified information, as documents released to Alexa O’Brien reveal.

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CIA and NSA first sought to exploit commercial databases in mid-80s

CIA and NSA first sought to exploit commercial databases in mid-80s

Open Source Intelligence (OSINT) is the least famous, least exciting, and most prevalent form of intelligence, covering any sources that are theoretically open to anyone, such as newspaper articles, published books, or social media posts. With the ubiquity of the internet, the use of such commercial databases is beyond routine for both the Intelligence Community and the government at large, but there was a time, however, where the mere interest was not only cutting edge, but problematic.

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