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international women's day

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The decision that let federal female employees go by “Ms.”

The decision that let federal female employees go by “Ms.”

A cruise through Central Intelligence Agency’s CREST database offers snapshots from the federal government’s evolving relationship with its female workforce.

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For International Women's Day, browse the FBI files of famous females

For International Women’s Day, browse the FBI files of famous females

One unexpected fringe benefit of a surveillance state is that it can make for a surprisingly comprehensive biographer. To commemorate International Women’s Day at MuckRock, we put together a collection of all of our articles on the Federal Bureau of Investigation’s forays into the lives of prominent women over the decades.

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FBI's predecessor considered obscenity charges against Margaret Sanger for soliciting donations

FBI’s predecessor considered obscenity charges against Margaret Sanger for soliciting donations

In late 1919, Margaret Sanger, founder of what would become Planned Parenthood, mailed out something familiar to anybody who’s worked in the non-profit world: an end of the year fundraising appeal. But whether Sanger knew it or not, records released by the National Archives show that on the receiving end of one of those letters were agents from the FBI’s predecessor trying to bust her for distributing obscene material.

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Foresight 2020: Do voluntary gender quotas have a place in our democracy?

Foresight 2020: Do voluntary gender quotas have a place in our democracy?

On the eve of International Women’s Day, we wonder whether the U.S. has something to learn from other attempts to boost gender equality in politics.

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File a FOIA for free in honor of International Women’s Day

File a FOIA for free in honor of International Women’s Day

March 8 is International Women’s Day. Born of socialist roots and now officially celebrated by the United Nations and multiple countries around the world, IWD is meant to be a global celebration of women’s achievements and progress, and MuckRock wants to help you join in this year.

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