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Has your family been impacted by the West Lake landfill or radioactive waste near St. Louis? We want to hear from you

Has your family been impacted by the West Lake landfill or radioactive waste near St. Louis? We want to hear from you

The Missouri Independent and MuckRock are investigating the history of the dumping and cleanup efforts of the radioactive waste and would like to hear from those most impacted.

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Pitch your public records and data stories to MuckRock

Pitch your public records and data stories to MuckRock

Have a great story idea that needs some outside help? Pitch your story to MuckRock.

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FBI appears to have investigated - and considered prosecuting - FOIA requesters

FBI appears to have investigated - and considered prosecuting - FOIA requesters

A recent FOIA release shows the Federal Bureau of Investigation’s Director’s Office responded to FOIA requests for known files on deceased FBI officials by presenting options that seemingly included a law enforcement investigation/proceeding against the requesters, with one email calling the requests “SUSPICIOUS.”

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In the wake of 9/11, FBI received dozens of tips reporting "suspiciously happy Middle Easterners"

In the wake of 9/11, FBI received dozens of tips reporting “suspiciously happy Middle Easterners”

Documents released to Donald Triplett III contain more than 70 tips from citizens reporting supposed “Muslim celebrations” of the September 11th terrorist attacks to at least six FBI field offices in the days following. Some of these dubious “leads” included “happy Middle Easterners laughing over coffee” the day before, a man expressing fear of anti-Muslim reprisals, and a table at TGI Friday’s that just split some appetizers.

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FBI investigated Ayn Rand superfan who saw himself as the heir apparent to her Objectivist philosophy

FBI investigated Ayn Rand superfan who saw himself as the heir apparent to her Objectivist philosophy

Ayn Rand had a competitor for status as the most dizzyingly incoherent and morally questionable writer of the 20th century: her stalker. FBI files released to Emma Best show that the unnamed man sent Rand dozens of mommy issue-riddled letters over the course of the late ’60s, some making threats on her life.

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