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iraq war

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115 people helped sort through Donald Rumsfeld’s memos. Here’s what they found.

115 people helped sort through Donald Rumsfeld’s memos. Here’s what they found.

Our contest to crowdsource #RummysSnowflakes is officially over, so now it’s a time to congratulate the winners and see the results!

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Help analyze Donald Rumsfeld’s memos and win MuckRock requests and swag

Help analyze Donald Rumsfeld’s memos and win MuckRock requests and swag

In January, thanks to a five-year fight by the National Security Archive, the Pentagon began releasing massive troves of Donald Rumsfeld’s memos, so copious that they developed their own legendary status within the Armed Forces. Now you can explore the early days of the War on Terror - and potentially earn free MuckRock requests and even swag - by helping analyze the release.

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Over a decade later, FBI surveillance of Iraq War protests still resonates

Over a decade later, FBI surveillance of Iraq War protests still resonates

Today is the 15th anniversary of 2003’s coordinated protest against the Iraq War. With attendance in the millions, at the time it was the “the largest protest event in human history.” Though we don’t have any records from that particular protest, Federal Bureau of Investigation files show that later demonstrations were under heavy Bureau surveillance, taking note of details as banal as a car bearing a pro-peace bumper sticker.

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Can federal employees read WikiLeaks in private?

Can federal employees read WikiLeaks in private?

Back in 2010, in response to the publication of the Iraq War Logs leaked by Chelsea Manning, the U.S. Intelligence Community released their official response to WikiLeaks. That report led to official guidance from the Obama administration on how to clamp down on “insider threats,” which in turn sparked a massive discussion on federal employee’s access to classified information, as documents released to Alexa O’Brien reveal.

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Emails show Iraq War PR alumni guided government response to Standing Rock protests

Emails show Iraq War PR alumni guided government response to Standing Rock protests

Behind the scenes, as law enforcement officials tried to stem protests against the Dakota Access pipeline, alumni from the George W. Bush White House were leading a crisis communications effort to discredit pipeline protesters. This revelation comes from documents obtained via an open records request from the Laramie County Sheriff’s Department in Wyoming.

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