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jimmy carter

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Alongside the Cold War and covert ops, the CIA considered FOIA a major concern in the ‘70s

Alongside the Cold War and covert ops, the CIA considered FOIA a major concern in the ‘70s

A MuckRock user found an interesting memorandum from the late ‘70s in our recent assignment From the Archives: Memos mentioning Senator Joe Biden, in which the Central Intelligence Agency bemoaned the “burdens” placed on it by the recently strengthened Freedom of Information Act.

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Explore the aftermath of the CIA’s infamous "Halloween Massacre"

Explore the aftermath of the CIA’s infamous “Halloween Massacre”

The “Halloween Massacre,” the most horror movie-sounding thing to ever happen to the Central Intelligence Agency, was a bureaucratic nightmare that pushed out the Agency’s most senior employees. CIA officers were so outraged at the “massacre” that they reportedly responded with everything from screen-printing protest shirts, leaving graffiti in Agency buildings and even cussing out newly-appointed CIA Director Stansfield Turner (via telegram).

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The power of polish, according to the CIA

The power of polish, according to the CIA

The human experience is complex, language can only do so much to convey its intricacies, and in some situations, just what would and wouldn’t be considered unforgivable can be determined by just one word. Few government entities understood this better than a post-Church Committee Central Intelligence Agency.

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The decision that let federal female employees go by “Ms.”

The decision that let federal female employees go by “Ms.”

A cruise through Central Intelligence Agency’s CREST database offers snapshots from the federal government’s evolving relationship with its female workforce.

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Forty years ago, the CIA was prohibited from engaging in assassinations - again

Forty years ago, the CIA was prohibited from engaging in assassinations - again

Forty years ago - in the aftermath of a very public American reckoning with the nation’s Intelligence Community that featured the Watergate scandal, the Church and Pike Committees, and the Rockefeller Commission - President Jimmy Carter signed Executive Order 12036 on January 24th, 1978, placing additional restrictions on the Central Intelligence Agency’s ability to operate in the United States.

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