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Journalism Courses in Public High Schools

I am currently conducting a study that examines the state of journalism education on the public high school level throughout the U.S. Last semester, I researched and reported on the state of Massachusetts and how they valued their journalism education. I found that less than 29% of public high schools are offering any type journalism or current events class to their students. Louisiana offers it to less than 14% of their public high schools and North Dakota less than 8%. Teaching journalism to high school students is not just teaching the basics to future reporters, but it allows an educational pathway to the nation’s future voters, entrepreneurs and leaders and how they consume information responsibly.

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109 Articles

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Black bars with the words for the record

For the Record: The battle to preserve the online archives of now-shuttered newsrooms

Major news organizations have announced the shutdown of prominent websites, including the DCist, Vice and The Messenger with many left wondering who will archive the journalism of hundreds of reporters.

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Three insights on preparing a public-facing collaborations policy from the 2022 Collaborative Journalism Summit

Three insights on preparing a public-facing collaborations policy from the 2022 Collaborative Journalism Summit

More newsrooms are working together — and with a range of other organizations — to help inform the public and tackle larger, more complex stories. But like anything else, collaboration takes planning to get right. These efforts are more nuanced than normal, however, as different organizations approach with different goals and objectives.

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Collaborations and community: working towards a better transparency ecology

Collaborations and community: working towards a better transparency ecology

Collaborations editor André Natta provides some background about what led to the development of the Transparency Corps initiative and some insight into a broader vision for approaching collaborative projects moving forward.

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MuckRock launches inaugural Transparency Corps cohort

MuckRock launches inaugural Transparency Corps cohort

The initial cohort of three journalists will work to build transparency skills while working on a collaborative public records project and help in the development of a broader initiative.

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This week’s FOIA round-up: Agency attempts at transparency hit road bumps

This week’s FOIA round-up: Agency attempts at transparency hit road bumps

In this week’s FOIA round-up, we take a look at experiments with transparency in Florida, Oregon, and Wisconsin that have recently hit road bumps.

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