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Requesters Voice: The University of Arizona School of Journalism’s David Cuillier

Requesters Voice: The University of Arizona School of Journalism’s David Cuillier

David Cuillier is an associate professor in the School of Journalism at The University of Arizona. He specializes in public records reporting and co-wrote the book, The Art of Access: Strategies for Acquiring Public Records, the second edition of which is being released this month. The book teaches journalists and involved citizens how to gain access to public records, which he says is an art that requires understanding of the system and human behavior. For this week’s Requester’s Voice, Cuillier spoke to MuckRock about his book and the study he worked on this past year.

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State public records laws continues to face challenges amidst big victories

State public records laws continues to face challenges amidst big victories

The state of state public records laws continues to evolve as lawmakers discuss new legislation, court rulings clarify ambiguities in records law, and advocates press for better access. To get a sense of what’s happening, we’ve compiled a list of recent changes to access all across the country. If we missed news in your state, let us know by filling out the form below!

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As Sunshine Week draws to a close, state legislatures are set to review a number of records bills across the nation

As Sunshine Week draws to a close, state legislatures are set to review a number of records bills across the nation

As we wrap up Sunshine Week 2019, we’ve compiled the ultimate list of transparency bills currently making the rounds throughout state houses and senates.

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Across the country, state legislatures gear up for a packed 2019 session

Across the country, state legislatures gear up for a packed 2019 session

Public records law is making headlines this week with new legislation on the horizon. States across the nation are looking to revise, change, and add new directives that will affect records requesters in their state and across the nation.

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UPDATED: Kentucky newspaper wins public records lawsuit, but what will actually be released is uncertain

UPDATED: Kentucky newspaper wins public records lawsuit, but what will actually be released is uncertain

Following a year-long battle, one Kentucky newspaper celebrates a public records victory - but not without facing a new records exemption for the same documents being requested.

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Natalie St. John sent this request to the Office of the Attorney General - Kentucky of Kentucky