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Reclaim The Records: Using Freedom of Information laws to open up genealogical and archival data

Reclaim The Records is an non-profit activist group of genealogists, historians, researchers, and open government advocates. We are collecting information about important archival and genealogical data sets that are not available online or on microfilm, and we then use state and Federal FOI laws and Open Data initiatives to get that information released back to the public.

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While California is teaching inmates to code, other states ban them from teaching themselves

While California is teaching inmates to code, other states ban them from teaching themselves

Lists of banned books acquired by MuckRock through public records requests show that Ohio and Michigan prisons ban books that aim to teach computer programming skills. Their decisions to ban educational texts related to programming, alongside erotica and literature published by neo-nazi groups, are in stark contrast with practices in other states and countries, where prisons include coding in educational programs.

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Banning Black Liberation: Michigan prisoners are barred from reading Frantz Fanon

Banning Black Liberation: Michigan prisoners are barred from reading Frantz Fanon

Michigan Department of Correction’s 60 page long list of books banned in state prisons, acquired by MuckRock through a public records request, includes 43 that are prohibited for “advocating racial supremacy.” These titles include Mein Kampf, The Turner Diaries, and, alarmingly, Black Skin, White Masks, by post-colonial theorist Frantz Fanon. Michigan DOC’s ban on an important anti-colonial text is one reminder of the inconsistent, and potentially biased, book banning practices that exist in prisons across the United States.

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FBI investigated General with ties to CIA money laundering for ... being a librarian

FBI investigated General with ties to CIA money laundering for … being a librarian

Brigadier General Edwin Black is best known for his role in the Nugan-Hand scandal, in which the Australian bank was accused of being used by the Central Intelligence Agency for narcotics and arms trafficking and money laundering purposes. To learn more about the scandal, Emma Best filed FOIA requests for all the people associated with it, and General Black’s file reveald two things: First, the FBI file’s only mention of his ties to Nugan-Hand is in the form of a Wall Street Journal clipping. Second, Hoover’s FBI briefly investigated him for being a librarian.

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Checking out Guantanamo Bay’s secretive detainee library

Checking out Guantanamo Bay’s secretive detainee library

At Guantanamo Bay, detainees, awaiting hearings that may never come, have access to a 35,000-item detainee library. But while that library is primarily filled by donations, its acceptance criteria and process - and even its current catalogue - are strange open secrets, viewable in glimpses but guarded against full disclosure.

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Is It Alright for the Kids? The fight for The Perks of Being a Wallflower

Is It Alright for the Kids? The fight for The Perks of Being a Wallflower

When a parent in Connecticut read “The Perks of Being a Wallflower,” he found its descriptions of the high school experience “inappropriate.” Other parents felt that it was his request for its removal is what was really inappropriate.

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