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After the "octopus incident," the White House threatened veto power over future spy satellite logos ...

After the “octopus incident,” the White House threatened veto power over future spy satellite logos …

Records released to William Pierce show that the fallout from the National Reconnaissance Office’s infamous “world-eating octopus” logo was enough for the White House to threaten veto power over future logos on spy satellites. Despite this warning to steer clear of controversy, the designers for the NROL-76 logo tried their best to sneak in a “Talladega Nights” reference - even resorting to Latin to get around copyright.

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"Phoenix is hot" and other unexpected trademarks owned by the Arizona capitol

“Phoenix is hot” and other unexpected trademarks owned by the Arizona capitol

Request for records related to Phoenix, Arizona’s federally trademarked bird symbol reveals a surprising trove of city-owned phrases.

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