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Under Betsy DeVos, the Department of Education leaves transgender protections up to the schools

Under Betsy DeVos, the Department of Education leaves transgender protections up to the schools

Early last year, we submitted non-discrimination policies regarding transgender students to all 50 states Department of Education as well as a few major cities across the U.S. We received 50 very different responses, varying from merely suggested policies to fully formed plans with structure and consequence.

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A round-up of the #AmazonHQ2 bids that didn't make the cut

A round-up of the #AmazonHQ2 bids that didn’t make the cut

As the hype grows around the #AmazonHQ2 finalists announced last week, it’s worth perusing the proposals that didn’t make the cut to get a sense of what cities across America were offering.

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Only four out of the 20 #AmazonHQ2 finalists have released their bids to MuckRock

Only four out of the 20 #AmazonHQ2 finalists have released their bids to MuckRock

The growing global retailer Amazon has announced the 20 finalists for its challenge to secure homefield rights for its second headquarters. We take a look at the responses to our requests for those areas.

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Which cities are refusing to share their #AmazonHQ2 bids - and why

Which cities are refusing to share their #AmazonHQ2 bids - and why

Since launching our project to hunt down every proposal Amazon received for its second headquarters, we’ve found that a number of cities were more than happy to share what they’re offering to lure in the tech giant. A growing number, however, aren’t so keen and are keeping their bids hidden in a shroud of exemptions. Here’s a look at which cities rejected our request and why.

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Revisiting the Cell Site Simulator Census

Revisiting the Cell Site Simulator Census

With a New York Judge upgrading the warrant requirement for a cell site simulator from probable cause to eavesdropping, it is important to take a look back at our census and the data researchers have compiled about these invasive surveillance tools.

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