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marijuana citations

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Despite legalization, D.C. Police arrest hundreds on weed consumption charges each year - overwhelmingly African Americans

Despite legalization, D.C. Police arrest hundreds on weed consumption charges each year - overwhelmingly African Americans

Recently-released numbers on marijuana-related arrests provided by the Washington D.C. Metropolitan Police Department present a stark racial disparity in the allocation of weed-associated charges made by the department.

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Under "broken windows" policy, marijuana citations in New York rose a thousandfold

Under “broken windows” policy, marijuana citations in New York rose a thousandfold

Statistics compiled by the New York Department of Criminal Justice Services on arrests related to marijuana indicate that despite successful legalization efforts in Colorado, Washington, and most recently, Alaska, prohibition in New York is in full swing.

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Where not to toke: a look at marijuana citations across the US

Where not to toke: a look at marijuana citations across the US

Inspired by an earlier MuckRock article regarding marijuana citation data from California post-decriminalization, Evan Anderson decided to request the same information from several different states to see what comparisons he could draw.

One big takeaway: Florida is decidedly not 420 friendly.

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