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Motivational posters in Massachusetts prisons offer insight into incarceration

Motivational posters in Massachusetts prisons offer insight into incarceration

The severe, gray, concrete walls of prison sometimes give way to unexpected bursts of color and potential moments of inspiration. The Massachusetts Department of Correction revealed some of these in a recent public records release containing photographs of several motivational posters hanging on its prison walls.

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“The word was ‘dick.’” DC and Marvel FCC complaints

“The word was ‘dick.’” DC and Marvel FCC complaints

There are a lot of stupid FCC complaints, but some of the stupidest are complaints about superhero and comic book TV shows. Things like a citizens crime-stopper group taking on the Flash for calling somebody a dick are too far-fetched to appear in a show with an evil mind-controlling gorilla, but that didn’t stop an Orlando based group from trying to do just that.

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