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mental heath

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Medical and Mental Health Care in County Jails

Private medical practices contract with county jails to provide medical care to inmates. When suicide watch is not included in the contract, it creates incentive for inmates to be placed on suicide watch. Where is the accountability for actions taken by medical staff? This project aims to make transparent the problems associated with these contracts. Who is responsible for ensuring adequate care? What agencies oversee the private medical care? What actions can be taken when the contracted medical companies do not meet the standards of national accrediting agencies?

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Grey Faction is launching a project to expose the damages of the lingering Satanic Panic

Grey Faction is launching a project to expose the damages of the lingering Satanic Panic

Grey Faction is launching a project with the goal of bringing some much needed transparency to the field of mental health. Through FOIA requests and analysis of publicly available documents, this project will shine a light into some dark corners inhabited by psychiatrists and mental health counselors who may be causing unaccounted-for damage to their clients by peddling conspiratorial theories of organized groups of Satanists engaged in ritual abuse.

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