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Caledonia Pipeline Project - Protect Duck Creek

We are working to shut down a large, new natural gas distribution line in Ionia County. This line is already in progress. This 12/24" line, owned by Consumers Energy, will pass under Duck Creek, a protected trout stream. Additionally, I have not sold an easement and no eminent domain has been established. Lastly, if it runs in the right of way, it could cause the bridge over Duck Creek, which is slated for replacement in 2018, to fail, perhaps to the point of collapse. UPDATE 5/30/17: The pipeline has been slightly rerouted. It will no longer pass through my property but will be installed approximately 75 feet est of my property line.

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30 Articles

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Black bars on a white background with the words For the Record underlined

For the Record: Michigan bill could expand FOIA law to governor and legislature

Two bipartisan bills in Michigan could expand the state’s Freedom of Information Act to allow requests for documents in the governor’s office and the state legislature.

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Michigan aims to boost child care supply by helping entrepreneurs navigate red tape

Michigan aims to boost child care supply by helping entrepreneurs navigate red tape

A new Michigan initiative, Our Strong Start, pairs child care entrepreneurs with a staffer from the state licensing agency who helps with paperwork and obtaining inspections. The program seeks to address problems raised in MuckRock’s “Disappearing Day Care” investigation, which found that Michigan’s child care supply is even more limited than experts thought.

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What We Learned About Michigan’s Child Care Crisis From Parents and Providers

What We Learned About Michigan’s Child Care Crisis From Parents and Providers

We received more than 170 stories from parents and providers about Michigan’s child care crisis, many of which included detailed policy proposals. Here are seven of those ideas.

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Michigan’s child care crisis is worse than policymakers know. We want to hear from parents and providers about it.

Michigan’s child care crisis is worse than policymakers know. We want to hear from parents and providers about it.

In 2021, there was a net loss of 735 childcare providers statewide. A $1.4 billion pot of federal relief money is being used to help. But experts say the child care industry will likely worsen, making it harder for Michigan families and the state economy. We want to hear about how Michigan’s childcare crisis is affecting you.

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4 Michiganders with COVID-19 strain unique to mink were likely 1st U.S. spillover cases

4 Michiganders with COVID-19 strain unique to mink were likely 1st U.S. spillover cases

Four Michiganders — a taxidermist, his wife and two mink farm employees — were infected with a unique coronavirus strain connected to minks, leading Michigan health officials and the CDC to conclude they likely contracted the first known U.S. cases of so-called animal-to-human virus “spillover.”

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