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Join us in Richmond, Virginia for a FOIA workshop and other community events in memory of the Community Justice Network's Lillie A. Estes

Join us in Richmond, Virginia for a FOIA workshop and other community events in memory of the Community Justice Network’s Lillie A. Estes

In the Richmond, Virginia area? Join MuckRock, the Community Justice Network, and the Charles Hamilton Houston Institute for a public records workshop, book reading, and other events to celebrate the life of Lillie A. Estes.

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Remembering the burglary that broke COINTELPRO

Remembering the burglary that broke COINTELPRO

On the 48th anniversary of the break-in at the Federal Bureau of Investigation’s Media, Pennsylvania field office, reporter Betty Medsger reflects on the role of whistleblowers in the pursuit of truth and government transparency.

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How does the CIA celebrate Black History Month?

How does the CIA celebrate Black History Month?

The Central Intelligence Agency’s approach to Black History Month could charitably be described as somewhat cynical, often using it as an opportunity to recruit minorities and expand the Agency’s contacts.

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The Reverend and the Director: FBI files capture the one and only face-to-face meeting between J. Edgar Hoover and Martin Luther King, Jr.

The Reverend and the Director: FBI files capture the one and only face-to-face meeting between J. Edgar Hoover and Martin Luther King, Jr.

While a not-insignificant percentage of the Federal Bureau of Investigation’s activities under Director J. Edgar Hoover were driven by personal vendettas, few were as well-known – or as publicly vicious – as Hoover’s feud with civil rights leader Martin Luther King, Jr. That clash quite literally came to a head on December 1, 1964, when, at the urging of President Lyndon Johnson, Hoover invited King to FBI headquarters for their first - and only - face to face meeting, captured in a ten-page memo in King’s file.

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Five ways to use FOIA to explore the FBI's 110 year history

Five ways to use FOIA to explore the FBI’s 110 year history

We’re celebrating the Federal Bureau of Investigation’s birthday with a look at five different ways MuckRock users have used FOIA to bring shed light on the Bureau’s 11 decades of skulking around in America’s shadows.

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