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Apply for funding to help analyze, publish and preserve the world's most important documents

Apply for funding to help analyze, publish and preserve the world’s most important documents

Access to reliable information powers civic health and strong democracy, whether in shaping governmental response to global events or helping communities invest in a better tomorrow by understanding the impacts of budget and policy choices.

We want to fund your projects to analyze, publish and preserve the documents needed for an informed world

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NewsMatch starts NOW! Double your support today.

NewsMatch starts NOW! Double your support today.

Since 2010, MuckRock has prioritized transparency and integrity in its reporting. We exist to help journalists, researchers, and ordinary people open up government all across the United States —and we put accountability at the forefront. Now’s your chance to support that work in a way that goes twice as far.

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We're looking for freelancers to spread transparency in Alabama and Arkansas

We’re looking for freelancers to spread transparency in Alabama and Arkansas

MuckRock is looking for reporters to help us investigate public records in two places where in-state citizenship is required to access them: Alabama and Arkansas.

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