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municipal investments

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Tennessee drops medical marijuana stock, but invests millions in alcohol and tobacco

Tennessee drops medical marijuana stock, but invests millions in alcohol and tobacco

Tennessee officials were surprised to learn that its state retirement system owned over 7,000 shares of stock in a real estate investment trust that provides capital for the medical marijuana industry. While the state sold those shares, citing “policy implications,” recent Securities and Exchange Commission filings show that Tennessee remains invested in other substances that, while legal, have major health policy implications.

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Investment records show small Massachusetts towns are heavily invested in Big Pharma

Investment records show small Massachusetts towns are heavily invested in Big Pharma

As part of MuckRock’s Municipal Investments project, we’ve received the stock and bond investment reports from a few Massachusetts towns, and each one of them appears to have some significant portion of their stock holdings in a variety of pharmaceutical companies.

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Just this month, 60 of you have nominated towns for our municipal investment project

Just this month, 60 of you have nominated towns for our municipal investment project

Two week ago, we asked you, lovely readers, to submit your towns and cities to us for a look at the ways municipalities are investing your tax dollars. Since then, five dozen of you have gotten back to us, and we’ve sent off requests to your many great suggestions.

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Submit your town to MuckRock’s Municipal Investing project

Submit your town to MuckRock’s Municipal Investing project

MuckRock is still taking submissions to learn more about how cities and towns invest nationwide - submit yours today!

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How are cities investing tax dollars where you live?

How are cities investing tax dollars where you live?

Beyond its buildings and its land, your city’s assets may not be obvious, even though among them are the means by which pensions are funded and new projects are undertaken. MuckRock is learning more about the returns on your investments.

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