12460 Tags
nara foia request and appeals case processing logs
4 Requests
Expedited FOIA Request NARA 22-V.A.MUCK. NARA FOIA Request and Appeals Case Processing Logs FY 17
Robert Hammond sent this request to the National Archives and Records Administration of the United States of America
Expedited FOIA Request NARA 22-V.A.MUCK. NARA FOIA Request and Appeals Case Processing Logs FY 17
Robert Hammond sent this request to the National Archives and Records Administration of the United States of America
Expedited FOIA Request NARA 22-V.A.MUCK. NARA FOIA Request and Appeals Case Processing Logs FY 22
Robert Hammond sent this request to the National Archives and Records Administration of the United States of America
Awaiting Response
Expedited FOIA Request NARA 22-V.D.MUCK. NARA FOIA Instructions and SOPs
Robert Hammond sent this request to the National Archives and Records Administration of the United States of America