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FBI claims to have lost most of its files on Stormfront

FBI claims to have lost most of its files on Stormfront

Back in 2016, Emma Best filed a FOIA request for the Federal Bureau of Investigation’s files on the infamous white supremacist website Stormfront. After two and half years of processing, the FBI finally responded, releasing just 104 pre-processed pages. What’s more, according to the cover letter accompanying the release, there were additional records, but the Bureau simply couldn’t find them.

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The postcard that pitted the ACLU against the FBI

The postcard that pitted the ACLU against the FBI

The recently released Federal Bureau of Investigation file for former head of the American Civil Liberties Union Roger Baldwin document numerous times the groups came into conflict with each other. One notable incident, related to the Bureau’s wartime “Postal Censorship” program, led to a testy exchange between Baldwin and FBI Director J. Edgar Hoover after the Bureau investigated the writer and pioneering Libertarian Rose Wilder Lane over her comments on a postcard.

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FBI releases first batch of Zsa Zsa Gabor’s file

FBI releases first batch of Zsa Zsa Gabor’s file

Starting in 1942, J. Edgar Hoover’s Federal Bureau of Investigation began keeping tabs on the famed Hungarian looker with a long history of husbands and “housekeeping” - Zsa Zsa Gabor.

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CIA archives offer a B-26-eye's view of D-Day

CIA archives offer a B-26-eye’s view of D-Day

A pair of stunning photographs unearthed in the Central Intelligence Agency’s archives depict the D-Day invasion from the perspective of the planes buzzing overhead. Remarkably, these photos were only declassified in 2013, just a year shy of the 70th anniversary of the Normandy landings.

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Police in Newnan, Georgia had received close to a million dollars in military equipment from the Pentagon

Police in Newnan, Georgia had received close to a million dollars in military equipment from the Pentagon

This weekend, images of a heavily-armed law enforcement presence at a white supremacist rally and counter-protest in Newnan, Georgia again brought the issue of growing police militarization to the forefront. A review of records originally released as part of Shawn Musgrave’s project to track the Pentagon’s transfers of military equipment to local police departments through the infamous 1033 program show that not only did the NPD receive close to a million dollars in gear from the program but also non-lethal ordinance specifically intended for use as crowd control.

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