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net neutrality

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FCC withholds Ajit Pai's emails regarding the infamous "Harlem Shake" video

FCC withholds Ajit Pai’s emails regarding the infamous “Harlem Shake” video

The Federal Communications Commission is withholding Chairman Ajit Pai’s emails regarding a video in which he did “the Harlem Shake” to dismiss critics of net neutrality repeal, citing the deliberative process exemption.

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Browse over a year of FCC Chairman Ajit Pai's calendar

Browse over a year of FCC Chairman Ajit Pai’s calendar

In response to a FOIA request by Taylor Scott Amarel, the Federal Communications Commission has released nearly two year’s worth of Chairman Ajit Pai’s calendar. That’s a lot of entries to look over, which is why we’re asking for your help.

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Will bots break our ability to use the Internet for debate?

Will bots break our ability to use the Internet for debate?

Millions of robot-generated responses to the Federal Communications Commission’s comment system for net neutrality may be a sign that agencies need to move now to preserve useful public debate.

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FOIAing the Trump Administration: The FCC and Net Neutrality

FOIAing the Trump Administration: The FCC and Net Neutrality

Ahead of the vote, we take a look at the transparency controversies surrounding Trump’s Federal Communications Commission and how FOIA requesters are contributing oversight.

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"I with John Oliver" FCC's net neutrality comments document host's 'Spartacus' moment

“I with John Oliver” FCC’s net neutrality comments document host’s ‘Spartacus’ moment

On the heels of Obama’s statement in support of net neutrality, in which he proposed that broadband would be reclassified as a common carrier under Title II of the Telecommunications Act, MuckRock gives you some of the best complaints to the FCC in the name of a free and open internet.

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