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Human Experimentation in Philadelphia

University of Pennsylvania neuroscientists have been implanting hundreds of human test subjects with advanced neurological devices based on wirelessly controlled nanotechnology and conducting wide arrays of experiments on them within the DARPA Restoring Active Memory (RAM) project among other neuroscience related efforts. This project exists to determine how many human test subjects are involved, the precise technical nature and capabilities of the implants, test subject demography, and whether the test subjects are being experimented upon consensually and ethically.

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Communications between CDC and private institutions of health about COVID-19

The goal of this project is to create transparency around the relationships between the CDC (and its children agencies/ institutes/ departments) and private institutions of health (e.g. hospital systems, insurance companies, health advocacy groups) with regards to COVID-19 policies, treatments, etc.

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7 Articles

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‘They bungled it:’ NIH documents reveal how $1.6 billion long Covid initiative has failed so far to meet its goals

‘They bungled it:’ NIH documents reveal how $1.6 billion long Covid initiative has failed so far to meet its goals

Budget and other project documents obtained through the Freedom of Information Act show how the National Institutes of Health set up its flagship long Covid research initiative, including the scientific expertise that government reviewers prioritized in selecting research teams to lead the RECOVER program and the early goals and timelines. Experts who reviewed the contracts and project documents say the agency set itself up for failure.

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‘Underwhelming:’ NIH trials fail to test meaningful long COVID treatments after 2.5 years and $1 billion, experts say

‘Underwhelming:’ NIH trials fail to test meaningful long COVID treatments after 2.5 years and $1 billion, experts say

Congress provided the NIH with $1.15 billion to help patients in December 2020 — and the agency has now spent most of that funding, according to a detailed new budget breakdown shared with MuckRock and STAT, with the majority going towards observational research rather than clinical trials.

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Key House Democrat demands NIH answer for pace of long Covid research

Key House Democrat demands NIH answer for pace of long Covid research

A powerful Democratic lawmaker is interrogating the National Institutes of Health over its slow progress in addressing long Covid, citing a recent STAT and MuckRock investigation into the agency’s lack of urgency.

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The NIH has poured $1 billion into long Covid research — with little to show for it

The NIH has poured $1 billion into long Covid research — with little to show for it

A new investigation from STAT and MuckRock, based on interviews with nearly two dozen government officials, experts, patients, and advocates, and more than 100 pages of internal NIH correspondence, letters, and public documents, shows that the nearly $1.2 billion in taxpayer money for long Covid research has resulted in few tangible results.

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New bill in California aims to tighten up animal research reporting at the state level

New bill in California aims to tighten up animal research reporting at the state level

According to People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals, as many as 100 million animals are used in U.S. laboratories every year. In order to have a better understanding into these practices in California, Assemblymember Brian Maienschein introduced new legislation to provide added transparency into animal research reporting.

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