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north dakota

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#NoDAPL Pipeline Protest

Unicorn Riot reporters have filed numerous public records requests to various law enforcement and government agencies in North Dakota in the process of their reporting on struggles against the Dakota Access Pipeline. You can find them all here.

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Across the country, state legislatures gear up for a packed 2019 session

Across the country, state legislatures gear up for a packed 2019 session

Public records law is making headlines this week with new legislation on the horizon. States across the nation are looking to revise, change, and add new directives that will affect records requesters in their state and across the nation.

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North Dakota's domestic violence policies leave much up the discretion of the officer

North Dakota’s domestic violence policies leave much up the discretion of the officer

As part of a project to to shed light on how domestic violence is still treated differently from other violent crimes, we requested domestic violence response policies for state police departments in all 50 states. Today, we’re looking at North Dakota, where victims can be arrested, kicked out of their homes for, or even lose their children because they had the misfortune of being abused.

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In rural hospitals, women are dying during childbirth - and states aren't keeping track

In rural hospitals, women are dying during childbirth - and states aren’t keeping track

MuckRock asked all 50 states for a copy of the data frame that they use to track pregnancy-related deaths, in order to figure out if every department is using a similar system, or even tracking the same information. Spoiler alert: they’re all doing their own thing.

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Counterinsurgency on the Reservation: A return to Standing Rock Part 2

Counterinsurgency on the Reservation: A return to Standing Rock Part 2

Thanks to a generous grant from the Fund for Investigative Journalism, Curtis Waltman was able to return to the Dakotas as part of his ongoing project on the impact of police militarization. Here’s a short travelogue of what he heard, saw, and did.

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Counterinsurgency on the Reservation: A return to Standing Rock Part 1

Counterinsurgency on the Reservation: A return to Standing Rock Part 1

Thanks to a generous grant from the Fund for Investigative Journalism, Curtis Waltman was able to return to the Dakotas as part of his ongoing project on the impact of police militarization. Here’s a short travelogue of what he heard, saw, and did.

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