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UPDATED: Help release the FBI’s massive file on the Church Committee

UPDATED: Help release the FBI’s massive file on the Church Committee

The Church Committee investigated and exposed some of the largest and most significant scandals in American history, to the point that it was felt that the very existence of the Central Intelligence Agency was threatened. However, a recent FOIA request to the Federal Bureau of Investigation revealed over 18,000 pages that had never been made public - and with your help, we can sue for their release.

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FOIAing the Trump Administration: The difficult task of tracking how Trump is profiting from the presidency

FOIAing the Trump Administration: The difficult task of tracking how Trump is profiting from the presidency

With mixed result, FOIA requesters have put a lot of effort into trying to track how Donald Trump is profiting from the presidency. This week, we’ll take a look at what FOIA has and hasn’t been able to reveal about Trump’s profits from foreign emoluments and government agencies’ use of his properties.

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The journalist and the stolen CIA documents

The journalist and the stolen CIA documents

A series of declassified Central Intelligence Agency memos describe part of the Agency’s investigation into Jack Anderson (of whom the CIA was never a fan), and his sources and methods (which included unethical practices such as homophobic surveillance, blackmail and lying about his sources) - specifically his apparent use of hundreds of stolen Agency documents. The memos even call for a Congressional investigation into Anderson and whether or not he was part of “a deliberate disinformation campaign.”

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CIA worked with White House to kill probe into Noriega's drug trafficking

CIA worked with White House to kill probe into Noriega’s drug trafficking

The Government Accountability Office investigations into Central Intelligence Agency-linked illegal activities are often stymied - a process well documented in files discussing the GAO’s attempt to investigate General Noriega’s ties to drug trafficking, and what the Intelligence Community knew, and when. Documents previously leaked to the Washington Post have now been declassified, confirming the Post’s reporting and providing new details about how CIA blocked all of GAO’s audits touching on any subject which required oversight.

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