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A glimpse inside the FBI Investigation into Judi Bari and Earth First!

A glimpse inside the FBI Investigation into Judi Bari and Earth First!

Environmental activist Judi Bari’s Federal Bureau of Investigation file contains fake press releases, the FBI’s take on the Civil Rights movement, and a redacted description of The Nation magazine.

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With federal facial recognition regulation stalled, local legislators start to step in

With federal facial recognition regulation stalled, local legislators start to step in

Unwilling to wait for federal regulation to develop, municipal leaders from California to Massachusetts are pushing their own rules on the acquisition and use of facial recognition technology.

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Help explore Judi Bari’s 3,000+ page FBI file

Help explore Judi Bari’s 3,000+ page FBI file

The Federal Bureau of Investigation has released more than 3,000 pages of its files on the activist and Earth First! organizer Judi Bari, with more on the way. We need your help going through it.

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The community’s needs above all: Lessons from the Providence External Review Authority’s struggle for police accountability

The community’s needs above all: Lessons from the Providence External Review Authority’s struggle for police accountability

Driven by movements for police accountability, civilian oversight agencies have become commonplace across the county. But often politically weak and under-resourced, they fail to live up to the aspirations of the activists that fight for them. In Providence, Rhode Island, a civilian oversight agency works to reestablish its legitimacy.

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A look at transparency on the ballot this 2018 midterm election

A look at transparency on the ballot this 2018 midterm election

Ahead of tomorrow’s midterm elections, voters in Nevada and San Francisco, California prepare to decide on the future of their government’s power over open access. If you’re voting in either location, make sure you’re knowledgeable on the potential impacts on transparency effects these two ballot measures could have.

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