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official jargon translator

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Translating the Air Force's "Cyber Vision 2025"

Translating the Air Force’s “Cyber Vision 2025”

Early last year, we wrote about getting a copy of the Air Force’s “Cyber Vision 2025,” which outlines where it wanted the military’s tech to be in the next ten years. Back then, we joked about how hard it was to understand. Now, however, we have our Official Jargon Translator take a crack at it, and in plain English, it’s pretty terrifying.

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De-jargoning the Army, one hideous PowerPoint at a time

De-jargoning the Army, one hideous PowerPoint at a time

If there’s one thing we love here at MuckRock, it’s a good bad PowerPoint. So imagine our excitement when the Army Audit Agency hands over one of the best examples of “more is more” mentality we’ve seen - and even better, we have our Official Jargon Translator to explain what any of this means.

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