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This week’s FOIA round-up: Alaskans sue Interior for oil drilling information, data shows federal aid favors the wealthiest farmers, and Los Angeles pension trustees spend big on international getaway

This week’s FOIA round-up: Alaskans sue Interior for oil drilling information, data shows federal aid favors the wealthiest farmers, and Los Angeles pension trustees spend big on international getaway

In this week’s FOIA round-up, Alaska natives sued the Trump Administration for concealing information regarding oil drilling, an environmental advocacy group shows that the bulk of U.S. farm aid goes to wealthy farmers, and members of the Los Angeles County Employees Retirement draw public scrutiny after going on pricey international vacations.

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Here’s what you found in the BSEE Director Scott Angelle’s call records so far

Here’s what you found in the BSEE Director Scott Angelle’s call records so far

Earlier, we put out the call for help diving through the many pages of Bureau of Safety and Environmental Enforcement Director Scott Angelle’s call records. Angelle gave out his cellphone number to a conference of oil and gas industry executives - an industry he is tasked with overseeing - so we were curious to see who was calling. Here are the results.

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Help find out who’s calling BSEE Director Scott Angelle

Help find out who’s calling BSEE Director Scott Angelle

Bureau of Safety and Environmental Enforcement Director Scott Angelle was caught on tape giving out his cell phone number to skirt public records laws. But thanks to FOIA, we now we have the call logs, and with your help we can find out who the supposed oil industry watchdog was in contact with.

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CIA archives offer a look into the history of terrorism in Somalia

CIA archives offer a look into the history of terrorism in Somalia

Materials kept by the Central Intelligence Agency about the Horn of Africa offer a look into U.S. interests in the area throughout the 20th century, and insight into the world today.

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