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oklahoma city
1 Project
OCPD Daniel Holtzclaw Investigation
1 Article

Records show FBI provided assistance to local law enforcement at least twice in 2016 to monitor Black Lives Matter protests
In July of 2016, following a series of high-profile police shootings, Black Lives Matter protests erupted in cities all over the country. Some local police departments, ostensibly fearing for the safety of both protestors and officers, reached out to the Federal Bureau of Investigation for help in monitoring upcoming demonstrations. According to documents recently obtained by MuckRock, the FBI provided assistance in the form of social media surveillance and on the ground threat monitoring.
2 Requests
911 Audio Recording(s), Transcript(s) & Call Log(s) - 05/24/2014 - 0300Hrs - NE 23 and Kelly
Brian Bates sent this request to the Oklahoma City Police Department of Oklahoma City, OK
Awaiting Response
OCPD Radio Traffic Involving Daniel Holtzclaw Traffic Stop Of Jannie Ligons
Brian Bates sent this request to the Oklahoma City Police Department of Oklahoma City, OK