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CIA looked into possible conspiracy behind Soviets' surprise upset in 1972 Olympics

CIA looked into possible conspiracy behind Soviets’ surprise upset in 1972 Olympics

A journal entry from the Central Intelligence Agency’s Office of Legislative Counsel uncovered in the CIA’s declassified archives shows Agency interest at the possibility of a conspiracy behind the Soviet’s surprise victory over the American basketball team in the 1972 Olympics.

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FBI file on controversial steroid guru Daniel Duchaine reveal his skill at evading the authorities

FBI file on controversial steroid guru Daniel Duchaine reveal his skill at evading the authorities

Author of the “Underground Steroid Handbook,” Daniel Duchaine is a controversial figure in the bodybuilding world, once described as a “cross between Andy Kaufman and Albert Einstein, with some Bart Simpson thrown in.” A recent release of Federal Bureau of Investigation records on Duchaine reveal him as not only an expert on masking the use of anabolic steroids in athletes, but also an expert at masking their trafficking from the FBI.

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The truly terrible Cold War poetry hidden in the CIA's archives

The truly terrible Cold War poetry hidden in the CIA’s archives

As we’ve written about before, the Central Intelligence Agency’s obsessive scrapbooking led to the preservation of quite a few bizarre artifacts in its declassified archives - and perhaps none are stranger than this collection of terrible topical poems, which, through tortured rhyming couplets, offer the author’s takes on geopolitics, race relations, and the merits of “Captain Kangaroo.”

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Slow, imprecise, expensive: Boston Olympics requests show a city badly in need of sunshine

Slow, imprecise, expensive: Boston Olympics requests show a city badly in need of sunshine

In Mayor Martin J. Walsh’s inaugural address, he vowed to “increase transparency and make clear that Boston’s interests come first. Always.” Unfortunately, Walsh’s city government doesn’t seem to be as keen as on upholding what the mayor promised at the beginning of his tenure.

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Help crowdfund the release of these Boston 2024 emails

Help crowdfund the release of these Boston 2024 emails

City Hall has finally found some of their emails with the Boston 2024 Olympic Organizing Committee. And while those emails come with a pretty hefty price tag, with your help, they’ve already been halfway funded.

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