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How FOIA lets personalities shine, Fast and Furious the #opendata way, and a creative new “exemption” in Washington

How FOIA lets personalities shine, Fast and Furious the #opendata way, and a creative new “exemption” in Washington

FOIA doesn’t have to be dry, particularly if you get creative with your requests and how you put the data to work. This week, some great examples of using government data from the New York Times and CityLab, plus a report on a questionable new way to skirt the law via the Tri-City Herald.

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Slack Chats: Where do you find your FOIA filing inspiration?

Slack Chats: Where do you find your FOIA filing inspiration?

Each week, we host a conversation that addresses topics and answer any general questions important to FOIA users. Last week’s topic was about where and how to find inspiration for filing creative public records requests.

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