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open meeting

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Massachusetts state representative hopes to close open meeting law loophole with new bill

Massachusetts state representative hopes to close open meeting law loophole with new bill

A new two-fold bill in Massachusetts hopes to set a new standard for frivolous complaints in the state as well as address records requests intended to harass agencies. However, transparency advocates say the bill raises concerns and they hope to work with sponsors and the committee to “get it right.”

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Local commissioner says town of Sandwich violated open meeting laws

Local commissioner says town of Sandwich violated open meeting laws

The Board of Selectman in Sandwich Massachusetts is under fire this month following an open meeting law complaint filed by Barnstable County Commissioner Ronald Beaty.

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UPDATED: Kentucky newspaper wins public records lawsuit, but what will actually be released is uncertain

UPDATED: Kentucky newspaper wins public records lawsuit, but what will actually be released is uncertain

Following a year-long battle, one Kentucky newspaper celebrates a public records victory - but not without facing a new records exemption for the same documents being requested.

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Why do Massachusetts municipalities make meeting transparency harder than it has to be?

Why do Massachusetts municipalities make meeting transparency harder than it has to be?

Getting several years of meeting minutes from Massachusetts cities and towns isn’t easy - but it would be if each municipality kept up with reviewing and releasing non-exempt minutes regularly. Like they’re legally required to do.

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