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Pennsylvania's state capital, facing costly improvements, looks to privatization of its water system

Pennsylvania’s state capital, facing costly improvements, looks to privatization of its water system

As part of MuckRock’s collaboration with Food & Water Watch, we’ve submitted a request to the City of Harrisburg to learn more about their plans and existing conversations with private water companies.

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Faced with spikes in child abuse reports, one Pennsylvania county turns to algorithms for triaging safety

Faced with spikes in child abuse reports, one Pennsylvania county turns to algorithms for triaging safety

For five years, officials at the Department of Human Services in Allegheny County, Pennsylvania have been working on a tool to triage calls made to the county’s child protection services hotline, one of many used around the country

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Remembering the burglary that broke COINTELPRO

Remembering the burglary that broke COINTELPRO

On the 48th anniversary of the break-in at the Federal Bureau of Investigation’s Media, Pennsylvania field office, reporter Betty Medsger reflects on the role of whistleblowers in the pursuit of truth and government transparency.

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Is a unified state public records law a solution to requester woes?

Is a unified state public records law a solution to requester woes?

With 50 different public records laws across the nation and varying opinions on what works, requesters continue to find themselves in a loop to grasp different guidelines. Yet, a former access officer turned transparency lawyer says one unified public records law could be relief requesters need.

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This week’s FOIA round-up: Tax returns reveals Trump’s inherited fortune, dash video informs Chicago cop’s murder trial, and Pennsylvania withholds decade-old report investigating sexual abuse

This week’s FOIA round-up: Tax returns reveals Trump’s inherited fortune, dash video informs Chicago cop’s murder trial, and Pennsylvania withholds decade-old report investigating sexual abuse

In this week’s FOIA round-up, tax records show “self-made billionaire” President Donald Trump received hundreds of millions of dollars from his father, the video of Laquan McDonald’s death at the hands of a Chicago cop - released by a public records lawsuit - is central to the officer’s murder trial, and the Pennsylvania Attorney General who’s pushing the Catholic Church to be more transparent about child sexual abuse won’t release a decade-old report investigating allegations of sexual assault against a former state college administrator.

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