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Using public records to explore an AI religion, Wall Street’s secretive work for states, and a parking ticket near you

Using public records to explore an AI religion, Wall Street’s secretive work for states, and a parking ticket near you

“Follow the money” is great on paper but can often feel tedious in real life, but this week there were a number of great examples showing how following a paper trail, whether documents regarding the incorporation of a religion or a parking ticket database, can lead to interesting stories.

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New York City shows how easy divesting from private prisons can be

New York City shows how easy divesting from private prisons can be

Divesting from companies at the municipal level is a city-wide form of direct action that, this summer, New York City used this against for-profit prisons.

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New York becomes first city to fully divest from private prisons

New York becomes first city to fully divest from private prisons

New York City announced last week that it had become the first city to fully divest from private prisons in its pension fund investments, liquidating approximately $48 million in stocks and bonds supporting for-profit prison companies.

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