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Cola contracts show that Pepsi competitors are only allowed shelf space in the summer at Ohio’s Miami University

Cola contracts show that Pepsi competitors are only allowed shelf space in the summer at Ohio’s Miami University

It’s summertime!

You know what that means: it’s the only time when the Middletown and Hamilton campuses of Ohio’s Miami University can stock the vending machines with the products of Pepsi’s competitors!

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Submit your school to our College Cola Contract Crowdsource

Submit your school to our College Cola Contract Crowdsource

At universities throughout the country, the two big beverage manufacturers, Coca-Cola and Pepsi, contract exclusive rights to stock vending machines and soda fountains with their products, and in September, MuckRock began asking its audience to help us understand just what else ends up in those agreements.

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Who serves the soda at your school?

Who serves the soda at your school?

The options you have at your college’s fountain machine are usually determined by a contract with one of the two big names in beverages: Coca-Cola or Pepsi. Find out who holds the “pouring rights” at your school with our interactive map.

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Thanks to you, the College Cola Contract Crowdsource is taking Wisconsin ...

Thanks to you, the College Cola Contract Crowdsource is taking Wisconsin …

MuckRock is collect cola contracts throughout the country. Do we have yours?

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Submit your school for our Coke and Pepsi college contract collection

Submit your school for our Coke and Pepsi college contract collection

MuckRock wants to expand our Coke and Pepsi college contract survey to your school - help us out by sending us the name of a public college or university, and we’ll submit a request for its alliance in the Battle of the Colas.

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