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peter thiel

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Requester's Voice: Investigative reporter and MuckRock Thiel Fellow Mark Harris

Requester’s Voice: Investigative reporter and MuckRock Thiel Fellow Mark Harris

Mark Harris was getting tired of consumer reporting when he found a way to get great scoops to literally come right to him: Freedom of Information requests. Here our inaugural MuckRock Thiel Fellow shares the tips and tactics that helped him pierce the secrecy around Palantir and dig into other secretive tech companies.

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Using public records to pierce Palantir's secrecy and unmask Trader Joe's true identity

Using public records to pierce Palantir’s secrecy and unmask Trader Joe’s true identity

Sometimes just one FOIA request can change how we think about everything - and sometimes it takes a whole fleet of requests. Whether you’re a veteran public records guru or someone just starting to get interested in government transparency, here’s some creative uses of public records we’ve seen and tips you can use.

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Introducing MuckRock’s Thiel Fellows

Introducing MuckRock’s Thiel Fellows

Last September, we announced the MuckRock Thiel Fellowship, an opportunity for one journalist to dedicate their time, wit, and a whole lot of FOIA requests to studying the life’s work of Peter Thiel. Thanks to the generosity of Motherboard, The Outline, and a number of individual supporters, we were able to expand that to three inaugural Thiel Fellows, and I’m pleased to announce them today.

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