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The CIA had a SECRET report on Soviet superstitions

The CIA had a SECRET report on Soviet superstitions

A formerly SECRET report uncovered in the Central Intelligence Agency’s declassified archives shows that in the earliest days of the Cold War, the CIA took an interest in Soviet superstitions. The report, classified for 60 years, details familiar fears such as black cats with more involved customs, such as road bucket etiquette.

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Funny papers, please: a sampling of comic strips in the CIA's archives

Funny papers, please: a sampling of comic strips in the CIA’s archives

A unexpected fringe benefit of the CIA’s release of its declassified archive is the treasure trove of comic strips - mostly concerning the Agency’s activities - contained therein.

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CIA’s Guide To Other Country's Elections: Agency assessment of the 1986 Philippine “snap elections”

CIA’s Guide To Other Country’s Elections: Agency assessment of the 1986 Philippine “snap elections”

The sudden showdown between longtime President Marcos and Corazon Aquino, widow of an outspoken critic, had the Agency anxious for a result they couldn’t predict.

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