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FBI bulletin concedes that conspiracy theories might be fueled in part by actual conspiracies

FBI bulletin concedes that conspiracy theories might be fueled in part by actual conspiracies

In a Federal Bureau of Intelligence bulletin dated May 30th, 2019, the FBI’s Phoenix Field Office warned that it was “Very Likely” that “Fringe Political Conspiracy Theories” such as Pizzagate and QAnon would eventually motivate its adherents to violence. Somewhat surprisingly, the bulletin later goes on to concede that the conspiratorial mindset underpinning such theories may be influenced by “the illegal, antidemocratic, or harmful activities by high level government officials and political elites” - also known as actual conspiracies.

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This week’s round-up: Declassified doggos, pizza party PR, and the high cost of fighting transparency in Chicago

This week’s round-up: Declassified doggos, pizza party PR, and the high cost of fighting transparency in Chicago

For this week’s FOIA round-up, an adorable lesson on why to always be FOIA-ing, shocking evidence that pizza and infrastructure are popular, and Chicago’s mayor finds out the hard way that doing business in secret can cost you.

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Browse through a recent shipment sent to the International Space Station

Browse through a recent shipment sent to the International Space Station

Last November, Orbital ATK sent a 7,400 pound shipment of supplies up to the International Space Station. For the crew, it meant fresh clothes, new food, and new tools to continue on their research. After a FOIA request, the National Aeronautics and Space Administration provided an inventory of everything that went up, which provides a fun look into mix of high tech and mundane that keeps the astronauts going.

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