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police oversight

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"It’s PredPol, and it’s going to reduce crime": Agencies take algorithmic effectiveness on faith, with few checks in place

“It’s PredPol, and it’s going to reduce crime”: Agencies take algorithmic effectiveness on faith, with few checks in place

Law enforcement agencies nationwide are using predictive policing software, yet almost none of their users, past or present, have clear measures for how effective or accurate they are.

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The community’s needs above all: Lessons from the Providence External Review Authority’s struggle for police accountability

The community’s needs above all: Lessons from the Providence External Review Authority’s struggle for police accountability

Driven by movements for police accountability, civilian oversight agencies have become commonplace across the county. But often politically weak and under-resourced, they fail to live up to the aspirations of the activists that fight for them. In Providence, Rhode Island, a civilian oversight agency works to reestablish its legitimacy.

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