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Massachusetts lawmakers continue to limit access to financial interest records

Massachusetts lawmakers continue to limit access to financial interest records

At least 29 states post Statements of Financial Interest online, making it easy to peruse your local official’s financial ties. But under the Massachusetts Financial Disclosure Law, those wanting to get a closer look at their lawmaker’s finances have to be okay with not only showing some identification, but having their name shared with the official in question.

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Did Gen. Vo Nguyen Giap plan a goodwill trip to the United States?

Did Gen. Vo Nguyen Giap plan a goodwill trip to the United States?

Newly disclosed documents reveal FBI field offices around the country took measures to prepare for an anticipated U.S. visit by legendary Vietnamese general Vo Nguyen Giap in 1993. But, for reasons that remain unclear, the potentially historic trip never came to pass.

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